Holy members of the U.A.C. -
Saint John Bosco (1818 - 1888)
January is the month in which the Pallottine family celebrates in a special way the Epiphany, so dear to Saint Vincent Pallotti; it is also the month in which we celebrate his birth into heaven. At the end of this month we also celebrate the memory of St. John Bosco. Many of us know that he is an exemplary Catholic educator and the creator of the Salesian method of educating young people, especially the abandoned ones. But how many of us know that he was (still is) a member of the Union of Catholic Apostolate?
Saint John Bosco, a priest from Turin, devoted his entire life to young people. He organized special homes, schools and oratories to take care of them. To provide better care and to expand the work, he founded the Society of St. Francis de Sales (Salesian Priests) and the Congregation of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters). An important legacy of Fr. Bosco has been developed and practiced by him an educational method called the "preventive system". Among other things, it involves emphasizing values such as religion, love and reason, as well as constant assistance to young people. He wanted to implement his idea together with the Union of Catholic Apostolate. This is evidenced by his diploma of admission to the Union (see photos), signed by Fr. Carl Maria Orlandi on behalf of the Pallottine General, dated May 12, 1884.
→ Below is a photo of the acceptance certificate for St. John Bosco to U.A.C.:
→ Below is a transcription of the original diploma in Latin and a translation of this text into English:
"Litterae Cooptationis in Piam Societatem Missionum a Servo Dei Vincentio Pallotti fundatum sub tutela Virginis Mariae Apostolorum Reginae
Dilecto in Cristo Domino Reverendissimo Domino Joanni Bosco Rectori Majori Salesianae Societatis.
Quum in hanc nostram Piam Societatem adscribi postulaveris, ut operam tuam conferas ad propagandam Fidem interinfideles, haereticos et schismaticos, nec non ad magis augendam charitatem inter Catholicos iuxta finem eiusdem Societatis; Nos qui huic Societati licet indigni praesumus, dum Domino benedicimus qui mittit Operaios in messem suam, votis tuis libenter annuentes, te per hasce Litteras manu nostra subscriptas, sigilloque Nostri Officii munitas, in hanc Piam Societatem suscipimus atque cooptamus, nec non tuam Societatem in honorem et sub protectione D. Francisci Salesii institutam.
Scias itaque te virtute praesentium, partecipem fieri omnium Missarum, Horarum Canonicarum recitationis, Evangelici Ministerii exercitationis, Precum, Contemplationem, Poenitentiarum, Carnis macerationum, ac caeterorum honorum spiritualium, quae tam privatim quam publice, non modo a Nostra hac Societate, verum etiam a Religionis Ordinibus Monachorum, Fratrum, Clericorum Regularium, Sodalitatum, necnon a Monialibus iisdem Ordinibus subiectis, adiuvante Omnipotenti Deo, ubique terrarum peraguntur: uti constant ex Rescripto PAPAE PII IX. Dato die 1 Julii 1847, quod in Archiviis Piae Nostrae Societatis ad Sanctissimi Salvatoris in Unda asservatur. Insuper noveris te lucrari posse Indulgentias fere innumeras illorum Religiosorum Ordinum quibus a Summis Pontificibus datum est eas aliis communicare, quasque Nostrae Societati communicasse, tum ex Regestris eorumdem Religiosorum Ordinum, tum ex eorum Diplomatibus concessionis patet.
Quod quum exequimur, speramus fore ut sit tibi incitamentum efficax strenue et perseveranter in vinea Domini collaborandi, ad maiorem eiusdem Omnipotenis Dei Gloriam, ad destruendum peccatum, ad salvandas animas. Quod faxit Deus per intercessionem Immaculatae M.V. Apostolorum Reginae.
Datum Romae e S. Recessu Sanctissimi Salvatoris in Unda. Die 12 Mens. Maji Anno 1884.
Pro Rectore Generali
Carolus Maria Orlandi
Sacerdos dictae Piae Societatis Missionum"
→ Below is the English translation of the acceptance certificate of St. John Bosco to U.A.C.:
"Diploma of admission[1] to the Pious Missionary Society founded by the Servant of God Vincent Pallotti under the protection of the Virgin Mary Queen of Apostles.
Beloved in Christ, the Most Reverend Don John Bosco, Superior General of the Salesian Society. Because you have asked to be enrolled in our Pious Association, so that you can contribute to the spread of faith among infidels, heretics and schismatics, and to the further increase of charity among Catholics in accordance with the purpose of the same Association. We, who, although we consider ourselves unworthy of this Association, bless the Lord who sends workers into his harvest, gladly accepting your wish, by this letter signed in our own hand, confirmed with the seal of Our Office, we accept and recruit you to this Pious Association, as well as your venerable Society, founded under the care of Don Francis de Sales.
Know, therefore, that under the current regulations you will participate in all Holy Masses, canonical hours, evangelical services, prayers, contemplations, penances, corporal penances and other spiritual goods, which both privately and publicly, not only through Our Association, but also by Orders, Orders of Monks, Brothers, Regular Clergy, Societies, as well as by Sisters subject to the same Orders, with the help of Almighty God, are carried out all over the world, because they are given from the rescript of POPE PIUS IX, given on July 1, 1847. , which has been preserved in the Archives of the Pious Association of the Holy Savior on Wave [Stantissimo Salvatore in Onda]. Know, moreover, that you can obtain almost innumerable indulgences of those orders which the Holy Father has allowed to transmit them to others and which he has given to our Association, both from the registers of the same orders and those awarded by his own diplomas.
When we accomplish this, we hope that it will be an effective encouragement for you to actively cooperate and persevere in the Lord's vineyard, for the greater glory of the same Almighty God, the destruction of sin, the salvation of souls. God did this through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Queen of Apostles.
Given in Rome in the Holy Hermitage of the Most Holy Savior on the Wave, on the 12th day of May 1884.
On behalf of the Rector General
Carlo Maria Orlandi
Priest of this Pious Missionary Society"
/ transcription and translation: Sr. Aleksandra Podleżańska SAC/
[1] Literally: „Recruitment letter”
Fr. Bosco died in Turin on January 31, 1888. He was canonized on April 1, 1934. His work bears fruit and is widely known to this day. As members of the Union, let us use the intercession of St. in our apostolic service. John Bosco with God.
Sr. Aleksandra Podleżańska SAC, editor-in-chief of the "KA" bulletin in 2001-2005.
/Cf. "Królowa Apostołów" ["Queen of Apostles"] 1 (19) 2004, p. 2; ISSN 0209-0958/